1. Benefits Pilates
2. Step-by-Step Instructions
3. Common Mistakes
4. Side Leg Raises Benefits
Side leg lifts are a great beginner Pilates move, but even those at a more advanced fitness level can appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of the move. You can do side leg lifts anywhere without any equipment, and they can also save you time by working your core and legs all at once.
Benefits Pilates
Pilates side leg lifts work your abs, including those hard to reach obliques. Lifting your legs engages your inner thighs and buttocks while keeping your abdominal muscles pulled in and up develops core strength and improves balance. It also targets your core and strengthens your back, which can improve posture and reduce pain.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Lying on your side, check that your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, and ears are aligned.
2. Move your legs slightly in front (forming this "banana shape" helps balance and protects your lower back).
3. Prop your head on your hand or stretch your bottom arm out to the side and rest your head on it. Your arm placement is just for balance; you should be engaging your core to lift your legs.
4. Pull your abdominal muscles in.
5. Inhale, allowing your body to elongate as the breath moves down the full length of your spine.
6. As you exhale, engage your abdominals and lift your legs a few inches off the mat.
7. Focus on keeping your inner legs together from your sit bones to your heels.
8. Inhale as you lower your legs back down to the mat, elongating your body in a controlled movement.
9. Aim for 5 to 8 reps, then turn to your other side and repeat.
Common Mistakes
You're Twisting Your Knees - Proper position at the start of the Pilates side leg lift is key to getting the full benefit of the move and avoiding injury. Following through with good form as you do the exercise is just as important. Don't let your knees twist or bend as you lift them. Remember to keep your body long and aligned this means checking in to make sure your hips and torso stay facing forward.
Your Core Isn't Engaged - If you're adding side leg lifts or other Pilates moves, like the side-lying leg press, to your workout routine to strengthen a weak core, you may have a hard time keeping your core engaged as you perform the move. Go slow, breathe, and stay focused. 온라인섯다 Gradually add more reps to your routine. When you feel your core muscles slacking, pause for rest if you need it.
You're Yanking Your Leg Up - You want to initiate your slow, deliberate leg lift with your engaged core muscles. Stay focused on the move to avoid yanking your leg from the hip or building up too much momentum, as this can strain, wrench, or injure muscles in your pelvis or back.
Side Leg Raises Benefits
Side leg lifts target the adductor muscle group, which is essential for performing daily activities like walking, lifting, and balancing. By working these muscles, side leg raises make movements more efficient.
It tones your hips, butts, and thigh muscles, reduces excess fat, and increases lean muscle mass.